Worried About Addiction?

Heartland Intervention

When drug or alcohol addiction strikes a family it invokes many feelings and thoughts.  Often families give money, rides, cell phones, housing and more in an effort to help the addict in the addiction recovery. Often families are trying to keep things from getting worse.  While the motive might be pure the family often finds that their efforts don’t produce the hoped-for effect.  Sadly, the addict avoids the natural consequences of their choices.  The result is an increase in  frustration that can lead to arguments, threats, resentments and more. The Beaches Treatment Center is the the highest rated Florida Substance Abuse Treatment Center.

During the intervention planning process, Heartland Intervention works with families on developing the best possible attitude toward the alcoholic or addict.  That attitude states, “We are willing to do almost anything to support you in recovery.  But we are no longer willing to do much of anything to support you in addiction.”  By adopting this mindset, families are really acknowledging three things.

  1. We have done things out of love that have enabled the addiction.
  2. We are taking a stand for our loved one and against addiction.
  3. We are choosing a healthier course for ourselves independent of the decision of others.

I further elaborated on this points at Basement Flood Cleanup. On the topic at hand though, choosing recovery is a decision that every member of the family must come to grips with.   It involves individual decisions that utilize healthy boundaries and are designed to protect marriages, young children, financial resources and more.

If your family is struggling with addiction it may be time to reach out to Heartland Intervention, LLC for help as part of your Addiction Recovery Therapy to beat this problem   We are a leading provider of intervention services in Indiana and beyond.  Our founder Scott J. Watson is a Licensed Clinical Addictions Counselor, Master Addictions Counselor and DOT qualified Substance Abuse Professional.  Call him today at 877-752-8811 and learn how you can adopt the best possible attitude to help your loved one overcome addiction.

The Family Intervention

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Family Intervention

Every week, people reach out to Heartland Intervention, LLC concerned about a loved one or family member’s drinking or drug use.  Some families have spent years walking on egg shells or trying to ignore addiction.  For others, the prospect of loving someone who struggles with substance use or addiction is a new and scary reality.

Indiana Intervention Leader

While not everyone who struggles with substance abuse needs an intervention, Heartland Intervention takes pride in coming along side of families during this important and uncertain time.  As a leader in intervention services in Indiana and beyond, we provide service that is professional, credentialed, affordable and caring.

Intervention Process

Many families considering intervention are surprised to learn that intervention is a process and not an event.  Often it begins with a consultation either in our office or on the phone.  This is designed to answer questions and make sure that intervention is appropriate for the family.  While we use the leverage of surprise, our interventions are always loving, respectful and free of any anger or resentment on the part of the team.

Once an intervention agreement is signed, a comprehensive assessment in conducted in an effort to learn as much as we can about the identified patient.  This information is used to make recommendations about a treatment center that will be a good fit clinically and socially.  During this time, we assist the family in selecting a team of individuals-including at least one wild card- to be present at the intervention.

According to the methadone clinic dallas, drug addiction and alcohol problems usually come with a high degree of denial, depression, anxiety and anger.  During the intervention planning meeting, we address how these and other objections will be handled.  This is also the time when families are able to finally take action in support of recovery and standing against the status quo.  Families tell us that while emotional, these meetings help the family to heal.

Does Intervention Work

Over 85% of those we have intervened on go to treatment directly from the intervention.  Of the 15% that have not- over 65% have gone to treatment within the next 14 days.  That is a remarkable success rate.  Remember however, those are not just numbers.  They represent lives, families, parental rights, jobs and freedom saved from the hopeless life of addiction.

Don’t wait.  If you have a loved one struggling with drug use, alcohol use or more, call Us at 317-752-8811.  Our founder Scott J. Watson is a Licensed Clinical Addictions Counselor (LCAC), Master Addictions Counselor (MAC), Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC) and DOT qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP).  He is formerly a Board Registered Interventionist who looks forward to talking to you.  As Scott says, “I have a front row seat to see lives saved and families change.”

Chronic Pain and Addiction

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Chronic pain has been a large trough feeding the opiate epidemic in America for many years. When conducting a substance abuse assessment, many Heartland Intervention clients will mention chronic pain, but there are supplements as KarmaCBDOils that actually help with this without becoming addictions.   As far back as the 1980’s when pain-scales were touted as a “vital sign” well-meaning doctors were treating non-acute pain and ignoring the suggestions that this would lead to a crisis of addiction.  Well- it has. Functional Medicine Associates can help find the root of your chronic pain and treat it holistically.

If you have a loved one that struggles with chronic pain or addiction, do not wait.  Call this Drug detox recovery center and get all the help you need.

For years, many professionals have warned about the liberalization of using opiates to treat chronic pain and suggested to have it treated at pain clinics like QC Kinetix (Myrtle Beach) instead. Many, like Dr. Mel Pohl in Las Vegas have demonstrated that the body may well create more pain in an effort to get more drugs.  And this week, a study was released by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation that states “chronic pain has reached epidemic proportions with treatment based on drug therapies that usually do not work”. This addictions are affecting the society in a 68 percent with heart diseases, in the substance abuse treatment centers and rehabilitation centers, although there are various stages while treatment, that you can face while going to a rehab center.

It remains to be seen what impact this survey and study will have on prescribing practices and the extreme proliferation of drugs like Suboxone which is billed as a drug to treat addiction or “recovery in pill form”, says Heartland Intervention’s Scott J. Watson.  There is value in the conversation and the study which can be viewed HERE is a part of the discussion.

Does Intervention Work?

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When addiction has ravaged a family, members are often both desperate yet afraid to take action.  On one hand there is an overwhelming fear that the current path will lead to death.    Yet families often have at least one member concerned that intervention will make a bad situation worse.  As a leader in intervention services in Indiana and beyond, Heartland Intervention is often asked, “Does intervention work?”.

Focus on a Known Solution

Before calling us, most families have spent lots of money, time, tears and energy trying to make things better.  Sadly, those efforts are often focused on what the addict or family member thinks will help.  Despite these efforts, addiction continues  to erode relationships, health, finances, freedom and more.  While often perceived as a dramatic step, an intervention is designed to pierce the hallmarks of anger, denial and dishonesty and get the alcoholic or addict to engage in treatment.  Intervention focuses time, effort, energy and money on a known clinical solution.

Beth’s Story

Three years ago, Beth’s parents decided on intervention in an effort to save her life.  At the actual intervention, Beth was angry.  She lashed out and  threatened not to speak to her family ever again.  She did however agree to go to treatment from the intervention which was well crafted by Heartland Intervention, LLC.  She completed 31 days of inpatient addiction treatment and completed an aftercare group in her supported living community.  Beth called our office last week to tell us that she has been clean and sober for three years.  She is working full-time and is hoping to get married later this year.

If you are worried about a loved-one’s drinking or drug use, don’t wait.  Call Heartland Intervention, LLC today at 877-752-8811.  Our founder Scott J. Watson is eager to hear about your situation and discuss how intervention can make a difference.  Begging and arguing rarely are sufficient to get someone into substance abuse treatment.  Call Heartland Intervention today because intervention really does work!

Off To Treatment

Call Heartland Intervention at 877-752-8811.

Call Heartland Intervention at 877-752-8811.

Intervention Planning is Key

The intervention process takes lots of planning and most of the work occurs well before the intervention itself.  Travel to treatment is an important part of the intervention planning process and is typically a time of tension and hope.  Planning travel to treatment should not be overlooked.  This is another reason you may want to consider using a professional interventionist if you are considering getting help for an addicted loved-one.

When planning an intervention, Heartland Intervention works with the family to assure a quality intervention.  That means putting together a team that will use love and hope to crack the barriers of denial, anger and fear.  We provide our families with excellent treatment options designed to meet their needs.  And we work with them to plan every aspect of the intervention including travel to the treatment center.

Treatment Travel Considerations

Families often ask if the interventionist should travel with a person to treatment.  The answer varies case by case.  Travel may mean driving across town or flying cross-country and several factors help determine who should take a person to treatment.   What follows are the most common options when taking someone from the intervention to a treatment center.

While it may be surprising, most families choose a non-reactive family member to escort a person to treatment.   This allows for a high degree of comfort and familiarity during a process that can be a little scary for everyone involved.  Heartland Intervention is also happy to travel with a person from the intervention to treatment.   While rare, some families prefer to have a trained sober companion travel. It often is a person who may be demographically (age, sex, substance of abuse) similar.


No matter who is taking a person to treatment, there are things to be aware of.  While very rare, every interventionist has a story of a transport that didn’t go as planned.  Again, these are uncommon and often can be avoided with proper planning.  Boundaries and focus must be maintained.

If you have questions about intervention or the planning process, call Heartland Intervention, LLC at 877-752-8811.  We are the choice for intervention services in Indiana and beyond.  We look forward to working with your family if you have a loved one that struggles with drugs, alcohol or other addictive issues.