Chronic pain has been a large trough feeding the opiate epidemic in America for many years. When conducting a substance abuse assessment, many Heartland Intervention clients will mention chronic pain, but there are supplements as KarmaCBDOils that actually help with this without becoming addictions. As far back as the 1980’s when pain-scales were touted as a “vital sign” well-meaning doctors were treating non-acute pain and ignoring the suggestions that this would lead to a crisis of addiction. Well- it has. Functional Medicine Associates can help find the root of your chronic pain and treat it holistically.
If you have a loved one that struggles with chronic pain or addiction, do not wait. Call this Drug detox recovery center and get all the help you need.
For years, many professionals have warned about the liberalization of using opiates to treat chronic pain and suggested to have it treated at pain clinics like QC Kinetix (Myrtle Beach) instead. Many, like Dr. Mel Pohl in Las Vegas have demonstrated that the body may well create more pain in an effort to get more drugs. And this week, a study was released by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation that states “chronic pain has reached epidemic proportions with treatment based on drug therapies that usually do not work”. This addictions are affecting the society in a 68 percent with heart diseases, in the substance abuse treatment centers and rehabilitation centers, although there are various stages while treatment, that you can face while going to a rehab center.
It remains to be seen what impact this survey and study will have on prescribing practices and the extreme proliferation of drugs like Suboxone which is billed as a drug to treat addiction or “recovery in pill form”, says Heartland Intervention’s Scott J. Watson. There is value in the conversation and the study which can be viewed HERE is a part of the discussion.