Lifeline Law Saves Lives

Heartland Intervention, LLC

Everyday the news is filled with stories about overdoses, gun violence and other tragedies.  Often drugs and alcohol use, abuse or sales play a central role in these tragedies.  As students head back to school we focus again on college campuses where the problem of substance abuse and sexual assault is a daily reality.  While others work to change the culture, there is one tool designed to save lives TODAY!

Indiana Lifeline Law

In 2014, State Senator Jim Merritt authored legislation designed to give immunity from alcohol related prosecution to any minor who calls to report a medical-emergency or crime.  Merritt explains that it’s not about giving bad behavior a free pass but rather getting life-saving help to those who need it the most.

Every year we read of accidental overdoses or serious injuries to students who are drunk or under the influence.  It is easy to sit back and be critical or wring our hands fearing that there is nothing that can be done.

Call to Action

If you are the parent, sibling, or loved one of an Indiana student you can help.  Make sure they are aware of Indiana’s Lifeline Law!  Click HERE to learn more about it.  And if someone you love is struggling with a drinking or substance abuse problem, do not wait.  Call Scott J. Watson at Heartland Intervention, LLC today at 317-752-8811.  We exist to lovingly offer recovery instead of addiction to families suffering from substance abuse and more.

When Substance Abuse or Addiction Appears

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A younger brother may find a picture or text on social media.  The phone rings with news that a family member has been arrested for underage possession or DUI.  A respected co-worker doesn’t show for work after failing a random urine drug screen.  Whether it begins with a hunch or a bombshell, it is not uncommon for families to find themselves face to face with addiction or problematic substance use,  may have the opportunity to join a Rehab for Crack Addicts in Thailand and turn their lives around.

Most families lack the experience to know how to react when drug or alcohol problems arise, or even how to find a rehab center.  Regardless of the substance being abused, families, freedom, finances, employment and health are often at risk unless something changes.  Families often are at a loss for what to do or where to turn, they need help understanding that a substance abuse clinic for teenagers is the answer.

Image result for substance abuse for teeenagers As a leading provider of rehabilitation services in Indiana and beyond, we work with families everyday who simply need guidance regarding assessment, intervention or treatment recommendations for loved ones. if you care about yourself or your loved ones, you can find rehab here.  While all substance abuse has certain common threads, each person and family is unique.  That’s why it is important to get independent  professional advice  for your family or friend. If you have a friend suffering from addiction tell them to visit these rehab facilities to recover.

Following an assessment, they will work with you on appropriate treatment, because this company can help with addiction. Among the factors considered are clinical appropriateness, co-occurring need, fit within the therapeutic community, cost, location and more.  We have no association with any treatment center so we can speak openly and honestly about each one that we recommend.  We work with a wide variety of facilities in order to best serve the families who trust us.  As our founder Scott J. Watson is fond of saying, “Because the stakes are high, we don’t recommend any clunkers.”

If you are concerned about a loved one’s substance abuse, do not wait! Call this treatment center today.  We look forward to guiding you as you navigate the world of drug and alcohol assessment, rehab and treatment.  The stakes ARE high.  Call us today.

After Treatment

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It may seem strange but one of the first questions that many families ask Heartland Intervention is what happens AFTER treatment for substance abuse.  More often than not, this questions comes up during the intervention planning process or when we are helping with treatment facilitation.  While it can be unwise to gaze into the crystal ball of discharge planning, there are several factors to consider when primary treatment ends.

Supportive Living

One of the most important issues to address following treatment is where a person will live.  Opinions and answers to this questions can be emotionally charged and contain a mix of hidden and differing agendas.  Families can be upset by suggestions a loved-one might not immediately return home to a spouse, kids or parents.  This recommendations does not indict a family but seeks to offer increased support to someone in early recovery.  Frequently, clients are urged to return home promptly and engage fully with family.  Others are encouraged to evaluate supported living facilities that offer structure, accountability and a recovery community that is likely to reinforce the lessons learned in treatment.

Continuing Care

Recovery from drugs and alcohol is on ongoing process.  Study after study has shown that the duration and intensity of treatment significantly impact the likelihood of a person remaining drug/alcohol free.  Given that it is often a good idea for a person to step-down to an outpatient program when discharged from residential treatment.  For those who have completed an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) a relapse prevention group is often indicated.  Most all clients are expected to engage heavily with a 12-step or similar support group.  Other clients engage with a therapist to both support recovery and address any underlying issues, such as trauma, that may hinder sustainable recovery.

Structure and Accountability

Just as addiction has a number of reliable hallmarks, so does recovery.   Most of our clients have found that structure and accountability are useful recovery tools.  Often that means that a person’s schedule is less fluid than before.  This includes work, 12-step meetings, phone contact with a sponsor or recovery mentor, and regular time doing service or other activities to support one’s spiritual condition.  The idea of structure can produce some resistance for addicts and alcoholics but most will report over time that it is important.

The Family

Often it is said that addiction is a family disease.  If so, then the family needs to take recovery steps as well.  This can involve 12-step meetings or therapy aimed at reducing codependency and strengthening boundaries.

At Heartland Intervention we are always willing to be involved and make suggestions when our clients transition through treatment.  We also trust the treatment centers that we use to guide and advise our mutual clients.  If you are worried about a loved-one’s use of drugs or alcohol call us today at 877-752-8811.  We are a leading provider of intervention services and substance abuse assessment in Central Indiana and beyond.

Not Hitting Bottom

Heartland Intervention

What was the worst day of your life? Are you able to remember why it was so bad and the gut-wrenching feelings that  gripped you? What made that day so bad and could anything have been done earlier to have made it better?

When people call Heartland Intervention, they are often surprised to hear me say that we don’t have to “let” someone hit bottom. Often, the goal of an intervention is to RAISE a person’s bottom to their current level of despair.   We do this so the addicted  person does not have to loose their job, marriage or house before they get into treatment.

Recently we conducted an intervention for a family that had grown weary of “watching a loved one slip away”.  Our goal was to encourage him to seek an assessment for both mental health (including trauma and grief) and addiction.  It was not easy and emotions ran high.  But our loving intervention was successful and their loved one got the help that he needed.

A parent whose child has a fever would not just wait to see how bad the fever would get before taking action.  Nor would the parent be afraid that taking action would only make the situation worse.  A parent whose child’s grade’s were sinking would intervene early in an effort to prevent things from getting any worse.  So too should it be with addiction.  There is no value in seeing how low a person can go.  Some people’s bottom may be lower than it takes to kill them.  We seek to intervene before a person loses their job, spouse, freedom, health or life.

Heartland Intervention is recognised as a leader in the field of intervention services,  assessment and recovery.  Our affordable and  loving approach to intervention coupled with our very high success rate make us the choice of many concerned about their loved one.  While we are based in Indiana, Scott Watson travels throughout the country conducting interventions and facilitating entry into treatment.

Left untreated, addiction always gets worse.  Many people have told us that intervention day was actually one of the BEST days of their life.  Call us today at 317-752-8811.  We look forward to listening and helping.

Suicide and Addiction


Heartland Intervention, LLC

No topic strikes fear into the heart of people like that of suicide.  At some point most of us are likely to be impacted by the suicide of a family member, friend, neighbor, co-worker or client.  For families that struggle with addiction, the looming fear of suicide or other self-harm is a constant  companion.  Statistics show that those who abuse drugs and alcohol and ten times (10x) more likely to commit suicide than the general population.  That number skyrockets for IV-drug users.

Recently, our area has seen a huge increase in the number of teenage suicides.  That prompted a discussion on 93.1 WIBC to address what can be done to save young lives.  Heartland founder Scott J. Watson was honored to be a part of that panel convened by John Kesler along with Sen. Jim Merritt, Dr. Julie Steck and Stuart Hobson whose son recently killed himself.  The panel noted that depression, family history, previous attempts and co-occuring disorders were also suicide risk factors.

The responsability for stemming the tide of suicide, which is psychologist Julie Steck says is the leading cause of adolescent death, lies with all of us.  Heartland’s Scott J. Watson offered a suggestion to all parents and those who work with youth.  “No matter how dark it is, how bad it hurts or what’s been done to you, find a way to say three critical words….I NEED HELP.”  This is the message we need to send to all of our young people so that they know there is a better way out.

Often self-harm and substance use are symptoms of a much bigger problem.  It is important that families access therapeutic professionals to properly evaluate mental health and addiction concerns.  If someone is suicidal, take it seriously and call 911.  If you are worried about a loved one call a community mental health center, hospital or Heartland Intervention today.