What was the worst day of your life? Are you able to remember why it was so bad and the gut-wrenching feelings that gripped you? What made that day so bad and could anything have been done earlier to have made it better?
When people call Heartland Intervention, they are often surprised to hear me say that we don’t have to “let” someone hit bottom. Often, the goal of an intervention is to RAISE a person’s bottom to their current level of despair. We do this so the addicted person does not have to loose their job, marriage or house before they get into treatment.
Recently we conducted an intervention for a family that had grown weary of “watching a loved one slip away”. Our goal was to encourage him to seek an assessment for both mental health (including trauma and grief) and addiction. It was not easy and emotions ran high. But our loving intervention was successful and their loved one got the help that he needed.
A parent whose child has a fever would not just wait to see how bad the fever would get before taking action. Nor would the parent be afraid that taking action would only make the situation worse. A parent whose child’s grade’s were sinking would intervene early in an effort to prevent things from getting any worse. So too should it be with addiction. There is no value in seeing how low a person can go. Some people’s bottom may be lower than it takes to kill them. We seek to intervene before a person loses their job, spouse, freedom, health or life.
Heartland Intervention is recognised as a leader in the field of intervention services, assessment and recovery. Our affordable and loving approach to intervention coupled with our very high success rate make us the choice of many concerned about their loved one. While we are based in Indiana, Scott Watson travels throughout the country conducting interventions and facilitating entry into treatment.
Left untreated, addiction always gets worse. Many people have told us that intervention day was actually one of the BEST days of their life. Call us today at 317-752-8811. We look forward to listening and helping.