The Family Intervention

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Family Intervention

Every week, people reach out to Heartland Intervention, LLC concerned about a loved one or family member’s drinking or drug use.  Some families have spent years walking on egg shells or trying to ignore addiction.  For others, the prospect of loving someone who struggles with substance use or addiction is a new and scary reality.

Indiana Intervention Leader

While not everyone who struggles with substance abuse needs an intervention, Heartland Intervention takes pride in coming along side of families during this important and uncertain time.  As a leader in intervention services in Indiana and beyond, we provide service that is professional, credentialed, affordable and caring.

Intervention Process

Many families considering intervention are surprised to learn that intervention is a process and not an event.  Often it begins with a consultation either in our office or on the phone.  This is designed to answer questions and make sure that intervention is appropriate for the family.  While we use the leverage of surprise, our interventions are always loving, respectful and free of any anger or resentment on the part of the team.

Once an intervention agreement is signed, a comprehensive assessment in conducted in an effort to learn as much as we can about the identified patient.  This information is used to make recommendations about a treatment center that will be a good fit clinically and socially.  During this time, we assist the family in selecting a team of individuals-including at least one wild card- to be present at the intervention.

According to the methadone clinic dallas, drug addiction and alcohol problems usually come with a high degree of denial, depression, anxiety and anger.  During the intervention planning meeting, we address how these and other objections will be handled.  This is also the time when families are able to finally take action in support of recovery and standing against the status quo.  Families tell us that while emotional, these meetings help the family to heal.

Does Intervention Work

Over 85% of those we have intervened on go to treatment directly from the intervention.  Of the 15% that have not- over 65% have gone to treatment within the next 14 days.  That is a remarkable success rate.  Remember however, those are not just numbers.  They represent lives, families, parental rights, jobs and freedom saved from the hopeless life of addiction.

Don’t wait.  If you have a loved one struggling with drug use, alcohol use or more, call Us at 317-752-8811.  Our founder Scott J. Watson is a Licensed Clinical Addictions Counselor (LCAC), Master Addictions Counselor (MAC), Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC) and DOT qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP).  He is formerly a Board Registered Interventionist who looks forward to talking to you.  As Scott says, “I have a front row seat to see lives saved and families change.”

A Front Row Seat

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A young man who had just turned 18 sat only a few feet away  in his living room.  His family gathered, full of fear and full of hope, for the intervention that they hoped would save his life.  The young man just shook his head as tears slowly streamed from his face.  He was weighing the loving offer that his family was making.  Would he accept the offer and go to treatment for his drug addiction…or face the consequences of continuing the addicted life?

At Heartland Intervention, LLC we say that we have a front row seat to watch people’s lives turn around.  Over the years, it has become a motto, a privilege and a job description of sorts.  It is an honor to be invited into the life of any family.  This is especially true when families are not at their best due to drinking, drug use or addiction.  The trust that families place in us and the intervention process is never to be taken lightly.  The stakes during an intervention are high and that’s why preparation, planning and execution are so critical.

The time leading up to the actual intervention is spent putting together an intervention team and selecting a treatment center.   Arrangements are made to care for a wide range of concerns while the person is away.  Questions like who will water the plants, mow the lawn, pay the bills and many more all have to be addressed.  What about school and/or work?  Who will care for kids or pets?  Once these and other details are attended to, a planning meeting with all team members carefully scripts out the actual intervention.

On this day the subject of the intervetion was lovingly confronted with how his drug use had changed him and his relationship with those closest to him.  While the stakes and emotions were running high, the feel in the room was one of love.  As he weighed the offer, I looked around the room at each person.  There were tears, the wringing of hands and a nervousness that is uncommon.  There was also a lot of HOPE.  After a few moments, he looked up and said, “I guess I’ll go”.  Warmly Heartland founder Scott J. Watson responded, “That’s a good decision.”  And we were done, once again.  He was off to treatment where he would begin a drug-free life of recovery.

If you have an addicted loved one  you’ve had a front row seat to watch their loved one spiral downward.  At Heartland Intervention, we want you to experience the miracle of recovery which see all the time.  As the leader in intervention services in Indiana and beyond, we look forward to working with your family.   Every week, we see people go from darkness to light, despair to hope and enjoy our front row seat to watch people’s lives turn around.  Call us at 877-752-8811.

Don’t Wait…

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Each week, we at Heartland Intervention have the privilege of putting people into treatment for substance abuse disorders.  We celebrated last month, when two people who were previously known to us, were able to finally able to seek treatment.  Finally- because both of them had a lengthy history of substance abuse known to their family and friends.

“I’ve known there was a problem for a long time” Suzy said tearfully in our office.  She detailed the many close calls that she had had and the toll that her drinking and drug use had taken on grades, finances and friendships.  But it took seeing the pictures of her car wrapped around a light pole and charges of DUI to finally get much needed help.  In less than 24 hours Suzy had admitted into long-term care to address a problem so many years in the making.

Melanie’s family had asked her to go to treatment many times.  Each time she refused; instead offering excuses ranging from “I don’t have a problem” to “I am a respected Vice-President at my work and there’s no way I’m giving that up.”  But when Melanie got her third DUI and wrecked her second car she had a choice- remain in jail  or go to treatment.  In short order her family again sought our help in getting their daughter into treatment.  “I was just living the lie as long as I could”, she told us.

Both Melanie and Suzie have loving families that have long been worried about their drinking or drug use.  Yet it took significant hardship for each to finally admit to clinically appropriate treatment.  Now, words of truth- both were fortunate that they survived their accidents.   The families had known about the problem but looked the other way for years.

These stories end with both young ladies in a good place. But that is NEVER a guarantee.  If someone you know struggles with drugs or alcohol…DON’T WAIT.  Call Scott J. Watson at Heartland Intervention at 877/752-8811.  We are a leader in intervention services in Indiana and beyond.  We work with only the best treatment centers and welcome the opportunity to talk with you about your loved ones today.


Chronic Pain and Addiction

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Chronic pain has been a large trough feeding the opiate epidemic in America for many years. When conducting a substance abuse assessment, many Heartland Intervention clients will mention chronic pain, but there are supplements as KarmaCBDOils that actually help with this without becoming addictions.   As far back as the 1980’s when pain-scales were touted as a “vital sign” well-meaning doctors were treating non-acute pain and ignoring the suggestions that this would lead to a crisis of addiction.  Well- it has. Functional Medicine Associates can help find the root of your chronic pain and treat it holistically.

If you have a loved one that struggles with chronic pain or addiction, do not wait.  Call this Drug detox recovery center and get all the help you need.

For years, many professionals have warned about the liberalization of using opiates to treat chronic pain and suggested to have it treated at pain clinics like QC Kinetix (Myrtle Beach) instead. Many, like Dr. Mel Pohl in Las Vegas have demonstrated that the body may well create more pain in an effort to get more drugs.  And this week, a study was released by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation that states “chronic pain has reached epidemic proportions with treatment based on drug therapies that usually do not work”. This addictions are affecting the society in a 68 percent with heart diseases, in the substance abuse treatment centers and rehabilitation centers, although there are various stages while treatment, that you can face while going to a rehab center.

It remains to be seen what impact this survey and study will have on prescribing practices and the extreme proliferation of drugs like Suboxone which is billed as a drug to treat addiction or “recovery in pill form”, says Heartland Intervention’s Scott J. Watson.  There is value in the conversation and the study which can be viewed HERE is a part of the discussion.

Trends in Addiction Treatment

Call Heartland Intervention at 877-752-8811.

Call Heartland Intervention at 877-752-8811.

Everyday, Heartland Intervention, LLC gets calls asking for treatment recommendations or for advice about a specific treatment center.  Others call knowing that a loved one needs addiction treatment but having no idea how to access it.  Heartland Intervention founder Scott J. Watson noted three trends this week in his talk at the 7th Annual Ann Daughtery Symposium on Alcohol and Drug Addiction at Franklin College.

Trend #1  The business of treatment has become extremely competitive.  Our office is rigorously marketed to by a wide variety of business development and outreach representatives from treatment centers across the country,  While this can be useful in developing therapeutic and strategic relationships that benefit our clients, it can create ethical areas of concern if not properly disclosed and managed.

Trend #2  Treatment centers are increasingly corporate in both their ownership and feel.  This is evidenced by national call centers that represent many different treatment centers that vary in cost, location and quality.  While this can have a beneficial aspect for clients, it also serves to offer “warm leads” to treatment entities.

Trend #3. As a result of financial pressures brought on by competition and the nature of managed care with insurance companies, many treatment centers are becoming more flexible.  Where once an executive was expected to check his cell phone at the door- he may be given a short window in which to manage business.  There also seems to be increased flexibility  on length of stay, modalities, family programming and even cost.

It is worth noting that none of these trends are especially bad or inherently harmful.  There are pros and cons to each.  While there are always trends one thing has never changed…TREATMENT WORKS! Visit this website for quality addiction treatment programs.

Heartland Intervention is a leader in Indiana intervention services and substance abuse assessments.  We work to match our clients with treatment that is clinically appropriate, affordable and accessible.  When a family is worried about a loved-one’s addiction it is important to trust the professionals.  Call us at 317-752-8811 to honestly discuss the detox, treatment and recovery options that are best for your family.